About Us
We’d love to say this was our idea, that we’ve invented something new here, but we didn’t. Guarantor loans have been around since Roman times. In the UNITED STATE, Guarantor Mortgages have been around for some time and most university students rely on a guarantor when they rent their first flat.
In the third world the Microfinance movement, started by Nobel Prize winner Mohammed Yunis, relies on loans being guaranteed by groups. Guarantor based finance is a back to basics approach which is helping people all over the world achieve financial inclusion.
We believe everyone falls into one of these 4 boxes:
If you’re in box A: You can borrow from a bank and you will repay. You don’t need EveryDay Lenders , you’re likely to think we’re expensive.
If you’re in box B: You can borrow from a bank, but we don’t think you should be able to. Box B is the reason the credit crunch happened.
If you’re in box C: The bank’s computer score has got you wrong. We estimate around 2m people in the UNITED STATE fit in box C. All EveryDay Lenders customers are in box C.
If you’re in box D: You can’t borrow from a bank or from us, in fact you shouldn’t borrow from anyone right now. You might want to speak to Stepchange – your friends are telling you something, they know you best and borrowing is almost definitely not a good idea for you.
Why are we here?
12 million people are currently unable to borrow from banks because of their credit score but things weren’t always this way. For hundreds of years borrowing was based on your reputation. Bank managers were a part of the local community, personal relationships counted.
In 1970 the first credit score was invented, it was the beginning of the end for community banking. Over time, relationships became less important, computers took over and pretty soon a number on your file was all that mattered. Customers with high numbers were good and customers with low numbers were no longer welcome.
So if you’re more likely to be able to pay off a loan quickly (for example because you are starting your own small business) you get a lower score because the bank gets to make less money out of you.